binary graphics drivers

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at
Thu Apr 6 08:26:13 UTC 2006

Javier wrote:
> On 4/6/06, Sasha Tsykin <stsykin at> wrote:
>> Matthew East wrote:
>>> Has someone got an ATI or NVIDIA graphics card that needs binary drivers
>>> to work with 3d? If so, can they please check this section of the
>>> Desktop guide for accuracy (none of the authors have such a card, and
>>> can't check)?
>>> Please cc: me if you reply, I don't tend to read -users.
>>> Thanks very much in advance for any replies.
>>> Matt
>> The nvidia-glx package conflicts with nvidia-settings in dapper, so you
>> might want to either include a special mention or just remove the
>> mention of nvidia-settings, as it is really not necessary, most people
>> won't use it.
> AFAIK The package nvidia-glx ( for non-legacy cards) includes nvidia-settings.
> The package nvidia-settings is a separate package to use with the
> legacy nvidia binary driver, that's the reason for the conflict.
Ok, but then it needs to be removed from the install list, otherwise 
people will jsut get confused at instructions which don't work.


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