Three questions about Skippy (the program that's like Expose)

Alexandre Franke alexandre.franke at
Thu Apr 6 22:06:53 UTC 2006

On 4/6/06, mrwolff <mrwolff at> wrote:
> I just installed skippy, but unfortunately the images that it displays
> are not the correct images.  They are the correct size, but they do not
> have the right content.  The images that will appears will say all have
> firefox inside of them instead of one being gaim and one being firefox.
> Anyone know why?

Same problem for me :/

> Does anyone know what the keycode that skippy needs so that I can use
> the windows key instead of the default F11.  I know the keycode is 0x7d
> but that's the wrong syntax for Skippy, according to the man page it
> needs an XStringtoKeySym code.

"Windows" key's name is Super. Maybe that can help.

> Third, does anyone know a good way for this command to start on
> default?  What's the general Ubuntu method for making a program start up
> with Gnome?  I could use this for a few other programs

System -> Preferences -> Sessions
There's a tab where you can set commands to load at startup.

Alexandre Franke
GNU/Linux user #390077

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