Ubuntu Kernel and 4GB RAM

Robert Entner ubuntu at mail1.entner.net
Thu Apr 6 20:48:22 UTC 2006

On 4/5/06, Jonathan Carter <jonathan at clug.org.za> wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 10:47 +0200, Robert Entner wrote:
> > I am using a Pentium D with intel 955 Chipset and 4GB of RAM. The
> > Ubuntu 32bit 686 Kernel (Breezy) only detects 3GB (/proc/meminfo). I
> > heard also the Dapper kernel can only address 3GB. Just the Dapper
> > Server-Kernel can make use of 4GB but has some "server optimizations"
> > which lead to longer subjective response times on the desktop.
> The Intel board map the last gigabyte memory as 4-5GB. So since the
> usual 686 kernel only supports 4GB, it won't detect the last GB of RAM.
> Installing the server kernel, which supports up to 64GB of RAM, should
> solve your problem, which you can install by the package name of
> 'linux-image-server'.

Thanks for the answer.

Do you know what the main differences between the "desktop" and the
server kernel are? I suppose the subjective responsetime with the
server kernel are slower.


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