Sudoers list?

Erik Christiansen erik at
Wed Apr 5 06:35:39 UTC 2006

On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 09:03:51PM -0700, Matthew Kuiken wrote:
> >  
> Hmm, I tried the same thing, and got:
> mtkuiken at mtk-laptop:~$ sudo -v
> Password:
> So it prompted me for a password. Maybe you were within the sudo timeout 
> period from a previous command?

Oh-oh, you're right.

Daniel, if the password is elicited first, then an appropriate directory
can be chosen, because user privilege is known, can't it? e.g.:

echo Please authenticate this install with your password
sudo -v
if [ $? ] ; then
   echo Can use privileged directories.
   touch /home/elephant
   echo Cannot use privileged directories.

Further invocation of sudo then doesn't normally require password
reentry. (touch /home/elephant stands in for the install process, here.)

The backtracking dialogue is then avoided, isn't it?


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