Breezy Badger - Ubuntu Kubuntu mix

Troy Williams troywill1 at
Mon Apr 3 19:20:15 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 20:04 +0200, Bjørn Ingmar Berg wrote:
> Hi people.
> On my desktop computer I am running Ubuntu 5.10.  A short while ago
> I decided I wanted to have a look at Kubuntu as well.  So I installed
> kubuntu-desktop with all the packages it depends on.  This worked out
> well.  Or at least as well as I could expect...
> At login I can chose wether I want to start Gnome or KDE and both work
> very well.  Even so I'm not completely satisfied.  The problem is that
> in the menues in Gnome I now have lots of KDE-applications, and in KDE
> I have lots of Gnome-applications.
> It's understandable that this happened and that the installer thought this
> was what I wanted.  But now -in hindsight- I wish Gnome had kept itself
> Gnome-only and KDE had ended up KDE-only.
> If I want to have both a "clean" Ubuntu and a "clean" Kubuntu on the same
> computer, do I have to set this up as dual-booting two independant
> operating systems?  Or is there a brainier way to achieve this?
> Setting up Ubuntu and Kubuntu "on top of eachother" can be an ok way
> to let a potential convert have a look at both before she decides.  If I do
> this, what is the best way to remove only the packages that belongs to
> the flavour that she doesn't want?  I mean, if she decides she likes KDE
> better, how do I remove the Ubuntu-only packages in a way that doesn't
> mung Kubuntu?
> Apologies if I have been too verbose...
> Kind regards,
> Bjørn Ingmar Berg

Here is a quick way to get the KDE apps out of the Gnome menus.  From a

	cd /usr/share/applications/kde
	sudo chmod a+rw /usr/share/applications/kde/*
	for i in *; do echo "OnlyShowIn=KDE;" >> $i; done
	sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/applications/kde/*
	sudo killall gnome-panel
Troy Williams
GPG Key: 1024D/FACE63E3 2005-04-20 Troy Williams
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