
Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Sun Apr 2 21:32:14 UTC 2006

su, 2006-04-02 kello 10:35 -0400, Brian Puccio kirjoitti:

> Actually, I like the KDE looks over GNOME's looks (either default Ubuntu
> or default GNOME) any day. I'm just not a fan of the KDE environment as
> a whole.
> But I'm really digging the Tango Desktop Project:
> I just wish their icon set was complete and all inclusive so things
> looked consistent. That and I need to find a nice window border, I'm not
> a big fan of the shiny bar that graces the top of all of my windows.

Tango icons look great. At the moment I use them with the Clearlooks
theme and Human window borders - I think these three are a perfect
match :-) I like the Human theme too, although it doesn't (yet? :) look
quite consistent.

When I installed the Tango icon set, strangely some of the default Gnome
icons of the Human theme were replaced with Tango icons before I changed
the theme settings. Right now my theme settings are pure Human (the
theme, window borders and icons), but large part of the icons are Tango.
Some icons have stayed Human, even though there's a Tango equivalent
available. Did you experience this when you installed Tango?


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