Kernel 386 installed instead of 686

Andreas Happe news_0403 at
Fri Sep 30 18:01:10 UTC 2005

On 2005-09-30, Matt Patterson <matt at> wrote:
> It is just my opinion, but I feel that the lack of stable binary 
> interface between kernels is a HUGE limitation on the viability of linux 

It's also one of the reasons that the linux kernel is still developed
with its rapid speed.

> for widespread uptake. MOST users are completely incapable of 
> recompiling modules for their specific kernel, thus it is necessary for 
> everything to be precompiled.

thus this is the job of the distribution.

> That leaves either a standardized binary 
> interface to kernels of different builds, or a standardized kernel for 
> each generation of a product as the only options.

maybe when those folk at dragonflyBSD complete their ABI abstraction
something resembling that could be ported to linux.


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