that darned ROOT problem

janne.jokitalo at janne.jokitalo at
Thu Sep 29 08:24:40 UTC 2005

Quoting "Michael J. Lynch" <mlynch at>:

> I wasn't saying that what the Ubuntu people have done is a bad thing,
> just that it's different from what those who are experienced with
> *nix's are used to seeing. 

This is true.

> I do think that because this is something
> significantly different from other distro's, that it needs to be
> promenently shown during installation. 

That's a problem, yes. For many who checked Ubuntu out first from the website,
it isn't, but someone who only gets the cd, I agree, it's not very well informed.

> Not so much for the newbies
> but more for those with previous *nix experience, because as we all
> know, those of us with experience absolutely won't RTFM since we
> know it all already.  :-)

And that's another very good point. :)


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