that darned ROOT problem

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Sep 28 21:37:18 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 16:03 -0400, Bo Grimes wrote:
> Oh, please.  OK...if the Ubuntu developers are the end-all of Linux 
> experience, if they know better and have more experience than the
> SuSE 
> developers and the Gentoo developers and the Mepis developers and the 
> Red Hat developers and the Fedora developers and the Debian 
> developers...then you MUST be right. 

You're free to enable the root account in Ubuntu or use SuSE, Gentoo,
Mepis, RedHat, Fedora, or Debian. Since March 1996 (I know my first
kernel version :) I have used them all, and several more, and now I use
Ubuntu on my desktop machine, root account disabled.

By your logic, we wouldn't have rpm, or dpkg/apt, or tcp/ip for that

Regards, Mario

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