that darned ROOT problem

Bo Grimes newslists at
Wed Sep 28 14:23:00 UTC 2005

Tommy Trussell wrote:

>On 9/28/05, Eric Dunbar <eric.dunbar at> wrote:
>>When you sudo in OS X you get the following warning:
>>"We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
>>Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
>>    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
>>    #2) Think before you type.
>>    #3) With great power comes great responsibility."
>I believe I have seen that message in linux distros, too, so I bet
>it's in the sudo code, invoked the first time you use it and never

I just re-installed Hoary.  I just had to see if I missed a message 
about it, and I didn't.  I have pics I could upload.  There is simply 
nothing there to instruct someone new to Ubuntu and sudo.  I didn't get 
such a message as described above the first time I used sudo, either.

I am a bit bothered by sudo anyway.  I have 5 kids.  I encourage them 
all to use Linux, but I don't worry about them screwing with the 
system.  They all know my user password.  With Ubuntu they could now do 
anything they want in the GUI with that password.  This will force me to 
change my password and set them up a seperate account.

No biggie, but I don't like the idea that anyone with my user passward 
has complete control of my system.  It's not like I'm a system admin.  
I'm just a dad on a home pc, so I don't protect my user password from my 
family and I don't bother with 7 seperate accounts.

I typically have a strong and painful root password and a fairly simple 
user password.  I know good security practice is to use strong 
passwords, but I still like the idea of an additional layer of password 
protection for root.

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