
Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Tue Sep 27 21:43:08 UTC 2005

On di, 2005-09-27 at 17:13 -0400, Al Gordon wrote:

> The box was open when I received it, the contents were scattered all
> over the place, the CDs were almost all scratched to the point where
> they probably won't be useable, the display box was ripped into two
> pieces, and most of the CD sleeves were bent.  Overall, any CD that
> I'd hand from this box to a potential new Ubuntu user would probably
> have exactly the opposite effect that it was intended to.  This is a
> shame.  I hate to see Mark throw his money away, regardless of how
> many bajillions he has. 

Wow :/
That sucks a lot...
Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
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