
Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Mon Sep 26 06:01:44 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 05:33 +0100, david wrote:
> The Hoary Cds I ordered from Ship-It never turned up. 

Yep, ordered my Hoary CD's 7 months ago... still waiting :-)

> Have just placed an order for Breezy CD's. I hope these turn up

I don't think I will pre-order this time, as it seems people who order
past the release date get them just as fast as me who pre-ordered for
Warty (took 2 months past release date)... and Hoary (never turned

> I suggest the shipit system needs tweaking at some level.

We already discussed this some months ago, I think the outcome was that
they were actually working on improving the ship-it system in the
future, so let's see what comes out of it :-)

Vince, very glad to have broadband so he can download the ISO...

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