root password...Thanks

Daniel Gilbert ubuntu at
Sun Sep 25 20:16:38 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 19:54 +0200, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> On zo, 2005-09-25 at 12:29 -0500, Albert wrote:
> > Thanks to all who replied.  And, yes, Dennis, I should RTFM. 
> > That of course is easier when there is only one manual and it is 
> > properly indexed. Also, your little red and white rescue button 
> > is primarily Gnome and generic Linux stuff, not Ubuntu. 
> Too bad you didn't actually look, the DocTeam has worked very hard to
> make the ubuntu documentation a reality.

I just took a quick look through the help documents, and wasn't really
able to find an answer to this question. If it is in there, it is

Perhaps there needs to be FAQ along with the "Quick Guide" to answer
this question (and others) as this is probably the most common question
Ive seen on this list. is great but it is "unofficial" and having an offline
FAQ would be best if someone is having troubles.

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