Slower Firefox page loading on Ubuntu v. Windows

Steve Zatz slzatz at
Fri Sep 23 18:18:22 UTC 2005

I have two Windows XP machines and one Ubuntu (Hoary) machine on my home
network and in side by side comparisons, the loading of pages in Firefox is
2-5x slower on Ubuntu v. the Windows' machines. I have swapped the various
network connections so it does not appear to be a problem with the physical
network. The hardware is roughly comparable. I can commonly watch the
Firefox status bar on Ubuntu report that it is "Looking up ..." while this
status is usually gone in an instant on the Windows machines. Firefox
appears to be configured identically across all three machines. I started
noticing the problem about a month ago -- before that if there was a speed
difference it wasn't so noticeable that I was moved to do some timings and
investigate. If anyone has any thoughts for investigating this further or
potential remedies, I would be very interested. Thanks.
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