No audio on HP xw4200 (hoary)

Nicola Masiero nmasiero at
Thu Sep 22 12:47:06 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I'd installed Hoary on HP xw 4200.

My linux box don't play any sounds....

Here there is a string about audio of lspci:
0000:00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp.
82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)

When I try to play an song, for example with Totem, I receve the
follow error message:
"Totem could not startup.
ALSA device "default is already in use by another program."

I don't know who are using Alsa device...

I can't hear any sound with other program (xine, mpg321, etc.).

I googling a little, but I don't find nothing.

Can you help me?

I restate my question.
Nicola Masiero aka nux
nmasiero at gmail dot com

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