My nomination for twit of the month

kvidell ulist at
Wed Sep 21 23:47:28 UTC 2005

regeya Wrote: 
> "Twit" is rude.  "Twit" should be reserved for people like Steve Ballmer
> (if we're talking about the slang definition) or perhaps George W. Bush,
> not an apologetic person with previously misconfigured software.


> <flame>

> If you want to be rude, become an OpenBSD developer.

> </flame>

> ;)

I like OpenBSD...

And TWiT is also a very good weekly tech news show put on by the folks
who used to be on TechTV (Patrick Norton, Leo Leporte, Kevin Rose,
Dvorak)... It's a pretty good show.

Of course, I don't think it was around when this thread was originally

I was just seeing if there were any threads relating to the podcast
show and got this, hah..

- Kev


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