In XP can not get continuous partition.

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Sep 21 20:36:13 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 19:38 +0200, R.L. Reingard wrote:
> i see, data loss did not happened to me. okay, maybe i did a defrag
> of  
> Windows before installing Ubuntu.
> and i always took care of defragmenting anyway. 

Yeah, it can work out. Also, if the HD is not very full, data does tend
to gather at the front of partition anyway, even in ntfs ;)
But it's better to be safe

> but again, you do not have  
> to resize Windows partition and create an empty partition for Ubuntu
> as  
> this will be done by the Installation process.

That's correct

> save your personal data from Windows anyway. 

Always good advice :)

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