R.L. Reingard
reingard at hispeed.ch
Wed Sep 21 18:14:38 UTC 2005
Hellon Michael
the restricted formats for Multimedia (like w32codecs, libdvdcss,
libdvdread,..). i mean, its in the header if my post.
which backport is actually working today, as i see that 'mirrormax
hoary-backports' is still not running?
> Am 21.09.2005, 19:34 Uhr, schrieb Michael J. Lynch <mlynch at gcom.com>:
> Ok...I'll bite....which ones?
>> R.L. Reingard wrote:
>> i did not got it from 'universe' or 'multiverse' ?
>>> On wo, 2005-09-21 at 13:16 +0200, R.L. Reingard wrote:
>>> did i understand an other post of someone right, that w32codecs is not
>>> anymore available in ubuntu? (for legal reason) and that they will
>>> search for an other way to provide users with it?
>>>> It never has been available in official repositories, only in third
>>>> party repositories from either debian volunteers or community members.
>>>> Currently it's available in repositories of other members.
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