In XP can not get continuous partition.

holiday eholiday at
Wed Sep 21 00:40:23 UTC 2005

Holiday wrote:

> On 9/20/05, *Christoph Georgi* <christoph.georgi at 
> <mailto:christoph.georgi at>> wrote:
>     Afaik these are some system files that you can't move with a defrag
>     program.. But afair you can still just partition the hard drive; the
>     respective program will move those files out of the way. (well, I
>     never
>     had problems with just partitioning my hard drive no matter what the
>     defrag's output was..)
>     But please correct me if I'm wrong before someone looses data ;)
> Thank you for your reply. I will not blame you if I get into trouble.

Looks like I'm in trouble. QTParted has been at 100% of step 0 for the 
past five minutes. I tried moving the dialog and the screen does not 

No messages at all.

Just one dead computer.

Or - oh!

It's started up again.

Note to anyone using QParted for the first time: do not despair too 
soon. The screen does not behave well.


> When I get home in a couple of hours, I will try resizing the partition.
> I am backed up, but it would be nice to know what that thing is.
> Perhaps there is another tool that will give me more information. I 
> remember a few years ago using Norton defrag and being able to get the 
> actual filename in a flyover.
> But I will NOT put that evil creature on any machine of mine ever again.
>     christoph
>     Holiday wrote:
>     > I'm planning on installing ubuntu to my laptop by first using
>     the Knoppix
>     > partitioning utility. I'm currently using XP Home's defrag
>     utility to get
>     > the drive into shape. I've managed to free up about 2/3 of the
>     40G drive,
>     > and defragged to get a nice big empty space. EXCEPT! Except that
>     right in
>     > the middle of that space is a swath which sometimes appears as green
>     > (unmovable) and sometimes as blue (contiguous).
>     >
>     > I've set the swap file to 0, rebooted, run defrag from safe mode
>     - this
>     > makes no difference. The thing won't budge.
>     >
>     > Any ideas what this area is, what I can do?
>     >
>     > I'm assuming this will seriously affect my ability to create a
>     non-xp
>     > partition. Is this assumption correct?
>     >
>     >
>     --
>     Christoph Georgi
>     -----------------------------
>     email.  christoph.georgi at <mailto:christoph.georgi at>
>     fon.    +49 (0)160 9790 3488
>     registered linux user #380268
>     ubuntu 5.04 ( <>)

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