[Breezy] Problem getting nVidia Geforce 5200 card to work

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Tue Sep 20 21:06:24 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 10:34 -0400, Christian Convey wrote:

> (1) Why I'm not seeing the nVidia logo screen as X starts up?

In xorg.conf, search for the Option "NoLogo". It's probably set to true.
Set it to false. If it's not there at all, locate the Section "Device"
and add this
	Option     "NoLogo" "false"
> (2) Is there any reason for me to use the nVidia-supplied driver
> installer, if we have Ubuntu-supplied packages that accomplish the
> same effect?

Only if the nvidia-provided drivers were newer than those in Ubuntu, and
you had a specific reason (fixed bug, added feature, ...) to use the
newer ones. 

Regards, M

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