network device enlightenment sought

Steven - visar steven at
Tue Sep 20 16:29:55 UTC 2005

Morning all

I'm in search of some information concerning network setup in  
Ubuntu.  The following were conducted on a Thinkpad T40P with mini- 
PCI cable & wireless net card.

I booted the live CD of 5.10 - it sees and configures both wired and  
wireless, all I had to do was activate the interface I wanted to use.

Next step - I did an install of 5.10.  The wired interface works  
fine, the wireless doesn't even show up in the System ->  
Administration -> Networking tool [aka network-admin].

I'm perplexed as to why the live CD version works fine but the  
install doesn't - any information would be appreciated.  It just  
doesn't seem reasonable that the live version can deal with the  
hardware but the install version doesn't even recognize it. [And,  
indeed, if I look in System -> Administration -> Devices I do indeed  
see my 8011ab device there, albeit listed as "unkown"].

I'm also wondering why the network-admin application doesn't seem to  
have an "add interface" button as the documentation indicates it should.

Thanks in advance for any enlightenment/suggestions

Vox Clamantis in Deserto
Steven Filling
steven at

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