very satisfied user

Richard F Freund r.freund at
Tue Sep 20 15:42:13 UTC 2005


I have tried all the boot options I could find or think of for the AMD64
distro.  The ones that take me the farthest are noapic nolapic.  That
only gets me as far as the splash screen (the same as the x86 version



admin wrote:

> this may be a stupid question, but when the first screen appears where 
> you can type in boot options, or just press enter for default options, 
> have you had a look to see if you need to specify a certain kernel? i 
> ask because the ubuntu cd does this for me on my ppc machine and if 
> you don't choose the kernel for G5 970 cpu's it refuses to boot.
> john
> On 21/09/2005, at 1:09 AM, Richard F Freund wrote:
>> Here is the recent email I sent (and based on a web posting of
>> a few days earlier).
>> Thx,
>> ===
>> Ubuntu Folks,
>> Here is a message I posted a few days ago, but nobody has yet
>> had a chance to respond.  Evidently there are other people
>> who also have trouble bringing up their AMD64 versions.  BTW
>> I also cannot bring up the x86 CD on my AMD64 machine.  The
>> x86 CD only works on my 32-bit laptop.
>> Thx,
>> Richard
>> ===
>> I was delighted today to receive my Ubuntu CDs which I am testing on 
>> both x86 and AMD64. The x86 works fine but I cannot, even with 
>> several boot option variations, get the AMD64 to boot (I have an MSI 
>> RS480M2 motherboard). Knoppix, SuSE, and Gentoo all work fine on this 
>> machine. The two problems during boot are either it freezes after 
>> OHIC recognition or it freezes during the splash screen. Any 
>> suggestions?
>> ===
>> ===
>> admin wrote:
>>> what was the original question about AMD 64-bit processors?
>>> my friend has one and he might know, it might be worth asking again
>>> john
>>> On 20/09/2005, at 8:39 PM, Morten W. J. wrote:
>>>     Richard
>>>     > Seems like a fine distinction, esp for a Linux distro. And
>>>     > to compound the hair splitting, being worthy is not
>>>     > necessarily the same as being good.
>>>     Probably, but he didn't state that Debian was more unworthy or
>>>     worse than Ubuntu - only that he got more help on the Ubuntu
>>>     mailing list than on the debian one.
>>>     I just do not think it is fair to let your frustrations, dont get
>>>     me wrong here, be justified by his joy, and question his
>>>     experience with Ubuntu.
>>>     > BTW I
>>>     > noticed on the web forum *other* 64-bit questionners
>>>     > who were also unanswered. Is there some secret problem
>>>     > with the AMD64 bit version? Gentoo, SuSE, and Knoppix
>>>     > all work great on my Athlon 64/motherboard, but not Ubuntu.
>>>     Could be. I don't know anything about 64 bits AMD processors apart
>>>     from them having twice as many bits as 32 bits ;-)
>>>     Regards,
>>>     Morten
>>>     --     ubuntu-users mailing list
>>>     ubuntu-users at
>> -- 
>> Richard F Freund
>> President and CTO
>> RFF Consulting Services
>> r.freund at
>> 805.535.5041
>> "No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions."
>> - Charles Proteus Steinmetz
>> -- 
>> ubuntu-users mailing list
>> ubuntu-users at

Richard F Freund
President and CTO
RFF Consulting Services
r.freund at
"No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions."
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz 

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