KDE Installation - hard stuff, reading users mind

R.L. Reingard reingard at hispeed.ch
Mon Sep 19 19:41:37 UTC 2005

computers will read the minds if programmers are smart enough to read the  
minds of users. but that seems to be so hard. haha.

>> Am 19.09.2005, 20:35 Uhr, schrieb Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>:

>> i mean that's somehow fine, but i would like
>> when i get asked for such settings.
>> Asked for what??  If you tell it to install kubuntu-desktop, or kde, it
>> installs what you tell it.  Computer's can not, yet, read minds.

right, installing kubuntu must be the 'user-friendly' solution. still i  
was expecting with the installation of KDE through Synaptic, that this  
would run 2 separated systems (which one would have to choose a login  
time). now it is just a little mixed.

>> its just not a user friendly installation in that way.
>> If you'd wanted "user-friendly" you would have started with a kubuntu
>> distribution CD :-)

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