on KDE

R.L. Reingard reingard at hispeed.ch
Mon Sep 19 17:33:24 UTC 2005

to my taste there is to less information on what to choose. it looks to me  
little like a mass. i ,mean 4 possibilities!
also that all the KDE apps are now also available in GNOME (sadly with KDE  
designed user interfaces). i mean that's somehow fine, but i would like  
when i get asked for such settings.
its just not a user friendly installation in that way.
that's my opinion on that.


> Am 19.09.2005, 18:55 Uhr, schrieb Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>:

> Lee Braiden wrote:

>> On Monday 19 September 2005 15:03, Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> kubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that installs everything Ubuntu thinks
>>> is
>>> necessary for a KDE based desktop.  It's hard to see whether it's a
>>> superset of "kde" because, for some reason, the kubuntu folks didn't  
>>> see
>>> fit to depend on the kde metapackages - its dependencies are all at a
>>> very low level
>> That's probably a good indication that it's not a superset.
> Probably, but it really does look complete.  They could have used _some_  
> of
> the metapackages, for sure.
>>> imo, kubuntu-desktop is _definitely_ overkill.  I ended up removing all
>>> of the asian TTF fonts
>> That's important, if you want m17n, as I think a modern desktop should
>> have. Also, I think it's good to err on the side of caution regarding
>> language support etc.
> It's appropriate for Ubuntu to err on the side of caution - not for me  
> on a
> personal laptop (m17n???  Sheesh, I thought I was up on all this...).
>> But yes, it's a matter of personal preference what you
>> eventually decide to keep, and the ability to deselect kubuntu-desktop  
>> and
>> leave the packages you *do* want is a good feature, I think.
> Yes.  I'd have preferred them to make kubuntu-desktop depend on "kde" or  
> the
> major kde metapackages, but I'm sure there's a reason :-)

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