Where's firestarter 1.0.3 for Hoary Universe?

Rich Carreiro rlcarr at animato.arlington.ma.us
Mon Sep 19 16:59:47 UTC 2005

The firestarter home page says that Firestarter 1.0.3 is out and is
available to Ubuntu Hoary users just by using apt-get. However, when I
"apt-get update" and then "apt-get install firestarter", it can only
find 1.0.1, which I already have installed.

Interestingly, if you go to the repository and look in the relevant
pool directory, you'll see that a 1.0.3 firestarter .deb is there:

However, universe's Packages.gz still lists 1.0.1. Is there a specific
reason for this, or are the Package.gz update people just running

Rich Carreiro                            rlcarr at animato.arlington.ma.us

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