nfs mount at boot

Karl Hegbloom hegbloom at
Mon Sep 19 02:13:51 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 20:08 -0400, Zach wrote:
> I'm trying to configure my machine to mount an nfs share at boot.  It
> mounts manually just fine.
> I have the following entry in /etc/fstab:
> server01:/home  /media/nfshome    nfs   rw,hard,intr            0    0
> When I boot, it isn't mounted.  After the system is running, if I do a
> sudo mount -a, it get mounted with no problem.  What am I missing?  Is
> there something special about the /media directory that affects this? 
> I wouldn't think so.

I wonder if perhaps not all of the required systems are on line yet when
it attempts to mount that?  Is the network up?  Is portmap running? etc.

You might consider installing 'autofs' and setting up so that the server
is automounted when it is accessed.  autofs also works well for mounting
ISO images.

Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom at>

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