Need help before I even start....

TurboGrub turbogrub_51 at
Sun Sep 18 19:05:53 UTC 2005

All the help and advice everyone is giving me is just
fantastic. I might even be able to figure it all out,
lol. As far as peripheral devices, I'm getting a new
printer and scanner and I'm making sure it's something
that works with this system before hand so I don't
think there will be a problem there. My modem, sound
card, video card... is another story... I have no idea
what they are until I get back home to Florida in a
few weeks so we will see. 

Again, thank you everyone for the great advice. I
can't wait to try this out for a test drive. I am
looking into someone burning me a cd for the 5.04
version also, as has been suggested.


--- Carroll Grigsby <cgrigs at> wrote:

> TurboGrub wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > In about three weeks I am returning to my home in
> > Florida where I have waiting for me a new cd that
> > someone burned for me that contains the new
> preview
> > release of Ubuntu 5.10. I've been reading alot
> about
> > it and Linux in general but I have absolutly ZERO
> > experience with anything Linux. I don't even know
> one
> > command. So here is my concern:
> > 
> > I am going to install this Operating System on a
> hard
> > drive I just purchased that has no Operating
> System on
> > it. It is used and I can't tell you much about it
> > other than it is 30 gb because I know little about
> > partitioning and all of that. Hopefully that is
> what
> > the install cd will do. Windows generally walks
> you
> > through the install proccess and that's what I am
> used
> > to. My last operating system, windows98, got
> infested
> > with viruses and spyware until it was eaten alive
> > depsite attempts to purge the system with whatever
> > anti virus software I could get after the fact. I
> had
> > no disk to re-install it so a friend gave me a
> copy of
> > XP which started getting infected the day I
> installed
> > it... these viruses must have known where to go
> back
> > to somehow. Also, my hard drive was a little too
> small
> > for XP and It was slow as hell and did all kinds
> of
> > funky things. I have other friends that HATE xp
> also
> > so I'm not too excited about trying it again.
> Enter
> > Linux.
> > 
> > Everything I have heard and Read about Linux stuff
> is
> > pretty cool, but the one thing I seem to see is
> > problems with the install here and there. Now, if
> you
> > have experience with Linux, and I do not, then I
> guess
> > you can pretty well figure it out as you go and
> > finally get the thing up and running. So here are
> are
> > my biggest fears:
> > 
> > When I try to install this thing it's going to ask
> me
> > stuff and I won't have the answers in "Linux
> > Language"! On top of that, I won't be able to get
> > online for help UNTIL I have it installed. What I
> am
> > asking you kind folks out there for is ANY and I
> mean
> > ANY advise on any problems I may encounter during
> the
> > intallation, anything that would throw a total
> > greenhorn off. I'm ready to jump in but I don't
> want
> > to drown.
> > 
> > I thank you in advance and look forward to any
> advice
> > or comments.
> > 
> > Martin Sargent 
> Martin:
> You've already gotten some good advice, particularly
> the bit about 
> Breezy still being very much in the bug-killing
> stage. One thing that 
> you could do until you get back home is to verify
> that your hardware 
> will work with Ubuntu. Just because something works
> in Windows does 
> _not_ mean that it will work in Linux. Judging by
> what I read here and 
> on other lists, the major sources of trouble seem to
> be (in no special 
> order) video cards, internal modems, printers and
> wireless cards.
> Here are some useful links:
> Printers: (huge site, takes
> some digging)
> Modems:
> General:
> And, of course:
> Another trick is to go to the support section of
> manufacturers' sites 
> and search for linux. Be aware, though, that some
> manufacturers will 
> disavow any support for Linux but their stuff works
> just fine. (I ran 
> into this with a Kodak camera.)
> -- cmg
> -- 
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at

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