R.L. Reingard
reingard at
Sun Sep 18 12:17:07 UTC 2005
hello Vignesh
indian citizen?
by default you should have TOTEM-gstreamer installed. which does not play
you better check out here:
i use TOTEM to play most of my media (there are a few other players too).
for this i deinstalled TOTEM-gestreamer and installed TOTEM-xine (through
Synaptic this is very easy done) as explained in the link above.
if TOTEM fails to run some of the DVD's, i always go back to XINE (name in
Synaptic is: xine-ui) itself, which runs everything i put into CD-Drive.
what will be necessary too is installing stuff like (at least i did
install them for some reason i do not remember now exactly):
after installing TOTEM-xine (which will automatically deinstall
TOTEM-gstreamer), you have to install 'gstreamer0.8-mad' which will help
to run MP3 in TOTEM.
'libmad0' - from multiverse repository (MP3 support for non-gstreamer
for all that, you should enable 'universe' and 'multiverse' repositories
in Synaptic. follow the link here:
best wishes,
> Am 18.09.2005, 12:36 Uhr, schrieb vignesh m <feduntu at>:
> I would like to know which is the best video player for ubuntu 5.04?It
> would be helpful if you provide me the links for the packages to
> download.I have not configured my internet connection in Ubuntu since I
> have a internal
> modem.So I can`t use the apt-get command.
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