Beagle Error in Breezy AMD64

Andy Choens gunksta at
Sat Sep 17 12:30:10 UTC 2005

> That means something is already running on the port it's tryng to listen
> on (Another beagled instance?) You can check with 'sudo netstat'. 

I've got nothing on that port according to netstat. Although, I don't know 
why I didn't think of that. I guess I shouldn't stay uo so late. :-)
Note that with the --debug you'll end up with a couple of GB of logs in
> a week :- 

So far that's not a probem. I can't get it to stay running more than 10 
seconds or so at a time. Right now, huge log-files aren't a major problem.

I even went in a used the beagle-config. According to that tool :

Global Access to Beagle WebServices is currently DISABLED.

Which is nice. So, why is it still starting it's web server?
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