function and special keys on ASUS L5500C

Jens Lehmann jens.lehmann at
Sat Sep 17 11:28:18 UTC 2005


I have installed Kubuntu Hoary on my ASUS L5500C labtop. On the keyboard
 are function keys ("Fn" + "F1|F5|F6|F7|F8|F10|F11|F12") and above the
keyboard there are four special keys (which I want to configure for
opening a browser, mail program etc.). Some of the special keys
apparently work (F5,F6,F7,F8), but none of the other keys. Can anyone
give me a hint how to get the other keys working? Does anyone have
experience with ASUS L5 notebooks? What is the exact name of the
keyboard (which I might use for configuring Lineak or the keyboard
layout in the KDE control center)?


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