Problem with LOAD of System

Chris C kildau-ml at
Fri Sep 16 20:39:15 UTC 2005

On Friday 16 September 2005 13:10, Lee Braiden wrote:
> On Friday 16 September 2005 20:26, Matthias Reinhardt wrote:
> > Since them there are starting processes from alone. At moment there are
> > 4500 processes.
> >
> > Does anybody know something bout this problem?
> > top,htop, ps aux doesn't work.
> What do you mean, that they don't work?  Unless they're actually crashing
> somehow, you should be able to run ps at least, if you're patient.
nope, theres no output (i was waiting over one night...)
> You'll have to find out the name of the processes somehow.  If you can't
> run ps, try manually doing:
> cat /proc/[0-9]*/status | grep Name
> Since you have so many processes, it's likely that you'll see the name of
> one misbehaving process over and over again.
nopeĀ² :(
there were lots of sh, cron, perl and so on...
RAM is full and there were onle 10% swap left (512mb ram, 1gb swap)
this happens first time (after updating to 5.10)
>   pkill -9 processname
> will help with that ;)
nopeĀ³ but thanks for your pain :-)

mrkofee at daisy:~$ uptime
 13:37:12 up 4 days,  9:14,  3 users,  load average: 825.40, 824.24, 821.62

top - 13:38:03 up 4 days,  9:15,  3 users,  load average: 824.67, 824.25, 
821.7 Tasks: 4147 total,   1 running, 4145 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 26.0% us, 31.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 38.8% id,  1.4% wa,  0.0% hi,  2.5% si
Mem:    516300k total,   509980k used,     6320k free,     1448k buffers
Swap:   999928k total,   858416k used,   141512k free,    77928k cached

kind regards

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