Problem with LOAD of System

Matthias Reinhardt matsch21 at
Fri Sep 16 19:26:21 UTC 2005

Hi evrybdy,

This is a irssi output of my load ...
Host 'daisy', running Linux 2.6.12-8-k7 - Cpu0: AMD Athlon 1533 MHz; Up: 
4d+7:57; Users: 3; Load: 808.25; Free: [Mem: 6/504 Mio] [Swap: 178/976 Mio] 
[/: 13939/18778 Mio] [/boot: 70/89 Mio] [/download: 24920/43696 Mio] [/home: 
12450/14076 Mio]

Three days ago I updated my system to ubuntu 5.10

Since them there are starting processes from alone. At moment there are 4500 

Does anybody know something bout this problem?
top,htop, ps aux doesn't work. 

my system:
Athlon XP1800+
512MB DDR-Ram


thx for your help.

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