How do I edit labels for a fat-32 (or vfat) partition

Carthik Sharma carthik at
Thu Sep 15 19:52:12 UTC 2005

On 9/15/05, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> Carthik Sharma wrote:
> > On 9/15/05, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> >>
> >> Carthik Sharma wrote:
> >>
> >> > May I at least know the process by which devices are automounted, and
> >> the
> >> > config files for this, I mean, where is it that the 
> "/media/usdbisk-*"
> >> is
> >> > specified. Maybe using the unique device identifier string, I could
> >> mount
> >> > the partition using a particular label, yes?
> >>
> >> Probably in /etc/udev. Definitely you can use udev to make it use 
> unique
> >> strings. see file://usr/share/doc/udev/writing_udev_rules/index.html
> >
> > Derek, that would change the /dev/sda1 to /dev/ipod or some such. What I
> > am looking to do is change the /media/usbdisk to /media/ipod for 
> example.
> Oh, my brain always starts hurting when I have to conceive of the 
> difference
> between a block device node and its mount point :-)
> Still, aiui, pmount tries to name it first using the partition label 
> (which
> you now have), then the udev device name (and probably all of the udev
> symlink names, too), so udev will still give the right result.
> --
> derek

After spending the better part of the day, I figured out what needed to be 
done to have /dev/sda* be mounted at the required place in /media/ ...

It's got to do with HAL. One can create and place one's own .fdi files in 
/etc/hal/fdi/ to decide what the desired mount point is, besides other 
things, such as whether to sync or not. In any case, I have attached my 
spanking new ipod.fdi and work-usb.fdi files that I have placed in that 
directory to this mail. Learning new stuff is fun!


Ph.D. Candidate
University of Central Florida
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