How do I edit labels for a fat-32 (or vfat) partition

Carthik Sharma carthik at
Thu Sep 15 13:02:23 UTC 2005

On 9/15/05, Carthik Sharma <carthik at> wrote:
> But these partitions already exist, having been created already. So is 
> there a way I can edit them?
> The LABEL=labelname sure won't work for automounted drives.
> I would like to know if there is something similar to e2label for vfat - 
> sure would ;)
> So anyone?

May I at least know the process by which devices are automounted, and the 
config files for this, I mean, where is it that the "/media/usdbisk-*" is 
specified. Maybe using the unique device identifier string, I could mount 
the partition using a particular label, yes?

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