Hoary on a smallish laptop

Charles Yao yaocharlesc at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 04:30:21 UTC 2005

On 9/15/05, Brian Walker <bfwalker at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings
> On 9/15/05, Arnold Maestre <arnold.maestre at gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > I got my hands on an old laptop (a Fujitsu LifeBook C332, if that 
> > matters) that I'd like to use as a terminal for my daughters to play with. 
> > So I whipped out my trusty Hoary Install CD (TM), and gave it a shot: the 
> > laptop has 32 MB of Ram, 3-something GB of RAM and a Celeron (?) 266, so it 
> > seems to meet the bare minimum.
> > 
> > The installation process starts, I choose a minimal install (server), in 
> > order to install just the base packages and then work some X magic through 
> > LTSP or something like that (I think I read something about ubuntu scripts 
> > for LTSP setups). The installer warns me that I'm short on memory (Ok, I 
> > knew that) and proceeds in english (well, so be it). I choose my keyboard 
> > layout, detect and mount the cd-rom, load the preseed file, and then proceed 
> > with installer components. But when retrieving 
> > nic-extra-modules-2.6.10-5-386-di, the debian installer exits and brings 
> > me back to the main menu (in expert mode) or just loops forever (in normal 
> > mode). From there, I'm pretty much busted.
> > 
> > Is there a magic solution that would help me continue further ? May I 
> > select a smaller subset in order to bypass this pit trap ? Or shall I give 
> > up Ubuntu entirely and try something else (in which case, what should I try) 
> > ?
> > 
> I installed Hoary on my wife's laptop - NEC with 64MB RAM and 6GB hard 
> disk. Installation was as expected from CD. The speed is abysmal - it takes 
> ages for even a simple X terminal to appear. Everything functions, but it is 
> a pain to use. I tried cutting down on all unneccessary software, no games, 
> no frills, but it is still slooooow. 
> I suspect the only solution is to get her a new laptop - and I think that 
> may be your answer too. OTOH, you might try the Damn Small Linux 1.5card-sized distro, and see if that is any good for you? Very small 
> footprint, minimal use of resources, and a cool way to impress her with your 
> geek index. 
> Brian
> --
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I have not personally used this but I heard Vector Linux 5.1 works great on 
older machines, maybe you should give it a try.

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