5.10 preview install disaster

David Woyciesjes woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 14 15:38:41 UTC 2005

Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2005-09-14, Vram <lamsokvr at xprt.net> wrote:
>>Ubuntu uses sudo..  So that may have tripped you up...
>>It is a long story.. Which always causes flame wars.. So don't
>>go there unless you are bored and want a war...  8^)
>>So to do admin things.
>>You type sudo <something>
>>and use YOUR <user> password..
> That didn't work either.  I think attempting to use my old home
> directory broke stuff.  That's usually how I do installs, but
> this time it seems to have cause a lot of problems.

	Sounds like the user you created during the install didn't get added to 
the sudoers file. That has happened to me once or twice with ver 5.40.
	IIRC, the command to edit the sudoers file is 'visudo'.

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818

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