Changing Grub

Bob Hentges bob.hentges at
Wed Sep 14 14:42:52 UTC 2005

On 12/09/05, Henrik Eismark <h.eismark at> wrote:
> Kubuntu complained during install over too little space in /var/something

How come? Did you set the partition sizes manually, leaving not enough
space for the apt package cache?

Would you mind sending us the output of "df"? :)

> Along the way it installed the missing pieces after reboot.
> Now, my other question is, how do I change Grub, so MEPIS on disk 1 and
> Kubunti on disk 2 is offered in the boot sequence rather than Kubuntu starts
> by itsself no matter what disk I select in the BIOS like sequence?

Do have a look at "grub-install" and of course the man page. If you
want to enter your data manually, you can also edit
/boot/grub/menu.lst by hand.

If you need any more information, let us know.


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