BSD and grub

Brian Walker bfwalker at
Wed Sep 14 03:50:07 UTC 2005

Greetings all,

bumping this from a hijacked perevious thread (mea culpa)

I installed PC-BSD which hosed my grub - on boot I got the options for F1 ?? 
F2 F3 ?? and F4 (F1 = Win XP, F2 PC-BSD F3 swap F4 Ubuntu)

On booting into BSD, no prob, windows likewise, but F4 hung the computer. So 
I went through the process of reinstalling grub using the ubuntu install 
disk as described. But Ubuntu did not recognize the BSD partition.

Can anyone walk me through how to re-configure grub to use my old /dev/hda2 
partition which now contains the BSD distribution?

Many thanks

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