poor image viewing

Renato Henriques repehe at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 13 19:13:02 UTC 2005

Yes I am using a powerpc machine. Has this bug been fixed in kubuntu?

--- Lee Braiden <lee_b at digitalunleashed.com> escreveu:

> On Sunday 14 August 2005 20:29, Renato Henriques wrote:
> > Why is it that with Gwenview in Kubuntu, unless you are visualizing
> at
> > 100% you allways have a yellowish layer over the picture? It
> happens
> > the same during a slide presentation.
> It's a bug in the byte-order of the scaling algorithm, which has been
> fixed in 
> later versions.  Unfortunately that version isn't in Ubuntu yet.  Are
> you 
> using a PowerPC machine?  I thought the bug only affected PowerPC.
> -- 
> Lee Braiden
> http://www.DigitalUnleashed.com
> > -- 
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 Renato Henriques 
repehe at yahoo.com 
msn:renato4010591 at hotmail.com


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