intel motherboard

Phil Cryer phil at
Tue Sep 13 17:14:17 UTC 2005

>>On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 11:36 -0500, Phil Cryer wrote:
>>I am thinking of getting an intel motherboard and wondered if anyone
>> >could suggest a suitable one which would have have a slot to take my
>> >Radeon 9200 video card.
>>First we need we need to know if it's an AGP or PCI bus:
>As far as I am aware it is described as AGP8x

Then it's pretty wide open, you just need an Intel board with an AGP slot.  Do you have any other requirements?  Are you building a box from scratch, buying new cpu and memory?

Looks like most of these would fit the bill:

I like Abit and Gigabyte, but that's just me.


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