PCI Modem Card
Sebastian M=?ISO-8859-1?B?/A==?=sch
sebastian at sebastian-muesch.de
Tue Sep 13 08:15:20 UTC 2005
Once upon a time Twyla Craig wrote:
> I have a U.S. Robotics 56K Voice Host Int modem on PCI slot 2.
Would be fine to get some more info on the modem. Use "lspci" and give us
the corresponding line for your modem.
> The I/O port is 9400-9407. The IRQ channel is 18. The modem is on COM3.
These are the informations you got from the windows device-manager?
> Ubuntu does not recognize the modem.
How you define "Ubuntu does not recognize"? In the sense of "There's no
popup mentioning, the device is now available master"? Or more in the sense,
that the tty-node doesn't exist?
> What commands can I use to set the modem on the root user to these
> values and get ubuntu to recognize the modem
1. Check if the modem is not already detected: "dmesg | less" search for a
line from the serial-driver telling, that the device got connected to a
serial-port node (ttyS4) for example.
Or, if not ...
2. Use the output of "lspnp -v" to get the i/o-resources and try to go the
manual way with "setserial /dev/ttyS4 irq 18 port 0xffff autoconfig" (change
the irq and the i/o-port to the values you got from lspnp).
Then check if the device-node /dev/ttyS4 is available. If not "cd /dev" and
"./MAKEDEV ttyS4".
Then use this device for kppp or any other program you want to use with the
_ :'_
.`_`-'_`. Sebastian Müsch
:__|\ /|__: sebastian at sebastian-muesch.de
:__| S |__:
:__| |__: iTunes ist aus :-(
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