Right way to add custom xmodmap rules?

Søren Hauberg soren at hauberg.org
Mon Sep 12 20:21:27 UTC 2005

Sorry, but that I don't know :-(

Carthik Sharma wrote:
> On 9/12/05, *Søren Hauberg* <soren at hauberg.org 
> <mailto:soren at hauberg.org>> wrote:
>     You can call xmodmap /your/home/.xmodmap at gnome startup by adding it
>     to your default session. I'm not in gnome right now, but I think you
>     should go to System -> Settings -> Session where you can add xmodmap
> Thank you --
> Now, can someone please tell me which configuration file saves the 
> keybindings?
> I know that I can edit them from System -> Preferences, but for some 
> reason, it does not allow me to map "Super_L"+"d" to show desktop, for 
> example. Pressing some other key with "Super_L" has no effect, unlike, 
> say pressing some other key with "Control" or "Alt" or "Shift".
> If you cannot point me at the file with the keyboard bindings,
> I guess another way of asking the question is:
> How do I make "Super_L" (my windows logo button) into a modifier key?
> Thank you very much :)
> Carthik.

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