HC Brugmans hcbrugmans at
Sat Sep 10 17:58:18 UTC 2005

arjaybe wrote:
> Since these seem to be OpenOffice problems, why isn't this an OpenOffice
> wiki?  Why isn't this thread on an OO forum instead of an Ubuntu one? 
> If you're having problems with OO I can understand trying to solve them
> here, especially since these forums are filled with so many generous,
> helpful people.  But I don't see why you would try to impugn Ubuntu for
> OO problems.  Are you one of those people who seeks notoriety by
> attacking people's preferences?
> Find something useful to do.
Again, please read the entire page.
One of my issues is with openoffice, There are plenty of other issues 
out there, and I want people to share them, shine some light on what is 
not good enough yet for those people to start using ubuntu.

I want to know why _you_ haven't convinced everyone you know to use 
ubuntu yet. What is missing, what is blocking you from doing so.


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