Derek Broughton news at
Sat Sep 10 12:37:30 UTC 2005

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:

> On za, 2005-09-10 at 11:25 +0200, HC Brugmans wrote:
>> <snip>
> You have 2(!) comments about openoffice and decide to ditch Ubuntu as a
> whole? I call that weak and definitely not worth such a rage against
> Ubuntu.

LOL.  I had dozens of problems with OO.
> 2 has much improved ppt support, evince will support it
> soon. OO.o2 can also print multiple slides per page easily.

Oh, no kidding.  I used to bring home documents with every trick in the
Office book, open them in OO, and crash as soon as I got into the most
important parts...  OO2 hasn't crashed on me yet, and seems (subjectively)
much faster.

> So there, your problems are solved. I urge you to remove this wikipage
> as it is completely useless.

Kubuntu is my first _full time_ linux distro.  I can now do anything I want
without Windows.

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