Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Sat Sep 10 12:15:20 UTC 2005

On za, 2005-09-10 at 14:00 +0200, HC Brugmans wrote:
> > 
> > You have 2(!) comments about openoffice and decide to ditch Ubuntu as a
> > whole? I call that weak and definitely not worth such a rage against
> > Ubuntu.
> > 
> > 2 has much improved ppt support, evince will support it
> > soon. OO.o2 can also print multiple slides per page easily.
> > 
> > So there, your problems are solved. I urge you to remove this wikipage
> > as it is completely useless.
> > 
> I did not ditch it. I determined both OOO1 and 2 at this moment to be 
> inadequate to my needs. I've filed several bugs on the issue, crashers 
> on evince, openoffice1/2, and problems with my printer related to cups.
> I was trying to work with ubuntu, and it failed me.

Then why didn'y you put THESE issues on that wikipage as well?

> This brought me to the idea of this wiki page. I'd like to know why 
> people won't use it, or why they don't offer it to their fathers, 
> mothers, or spyware-riddled aunts.
> I'm inviting people to share the reasons why, so we can get an overview 
> of what certain issues are.
> I am quite enthousiastic about Ubuntu myself, and have used it 
> exclusively since januari, but at this moment, I switch to university 
> labs and MS-Office if I need to get work done in a timely manner, that 
> is what I'm saying.
> For me to recommend Ubuntu to other students, I would need to have these 
> issues fixed.
> For me to recommend it to my mother, I'd need other things, which I 
> haven't investigated.
> I am sure I am not the only one who faces such issues.
> It is *not* intended to turn into a rant, and if it turns into one, I'll 
> be the first to kill it.

Then kill it now, the only thing this can turn into is a rant. If you
really want tu suggest improvements create a RoomForImprovement wikipage
or come to UBZ, or file bugs. This pointless ranting (I know you did not
intend it to be, but it sure looks a lot like it) is useless.

Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
  - Linux voor normale mensen:
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