HC Brugmans hcbrugmans at
Sat Sep 10 09:25:27 UTC 2005

I had an experience the other day that proved to me that Ubuntu is not
ready to be my main OS. I spent quite a while trying to get things to
work as I needed them to be effective in my studies.

At this piont I realised that I must not be the only one who has such an
experience, so I invite everyone to go and think about what you would
need for Ubuntu to be the OS you'd need it to be, so you can use it at
work, in your studies, or at home, and be efficient.

This is not ment as a rant against ubuntu or linux in general. Just as a
way of documenting what ubuntu needs to do to get on the desktop of
about everyone.

If you have a reason why you don't use ubuntu full-time, or hesitate
migrating your Aunt Marge, grandmother, or family pc, please share them


Hidde Brugmans.

And yes, if this turns out nicely, we'll do a /WhyIUbuntu too. ;)

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