Problem with installation

Brian Walker bfwalker at
Thu Sep 8 09:33:18 UTC 2005

First off, I have no idea what might be wrong

On 9/8/05, Eshan Mathur <vexir at> wrote:
> Hey guys I have a problem with installing Ubuntu. First off, my D-Link 
> DWL-G520 (which is supported) won't get a connection, but, I learnt that I 
> had the Rev. B of this card, so I need a certain patch thingy to make it 
> work. All good, I'll apply that later.
> The main problem I'm having is that during the installaton I get an error 
> saying *bsdutils* cannot be found, and it may be due to the fact that I'm 
> not connected to the internet or I have a bad CD. When I resumed the 
> installation, it fatally ended because it couldnt copy files into or from 
> */target/*. I have no idea what these are, I am new to linux and Ubuntu. 
> (I tried Gentoo, but screwed it up really bad.)
> I reburnt the CD 3 times, and I get the exact same errors. Anyone know 
> whats going on and how to fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated; 
> thanks! 

OK reburning - but did you check md5sums? No use burning a defective 
download ..... I would start there if that has not been done

I have installed ubuntu on several machines including an old a slooooow 
laptop, and no problems with bsdutils. No info on what may be wrong in the 
bsdutils README. But I think I would assume a defective CD first.

Be glad to see other opinions

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