USB 2.0 Network Ubuntu-WinXP

Maximilian Gerlach m at
Thu Sep 8 05:18:24 UTC 2005

> in fact i did google quite a lot before posting the question, but thanks  
> for kindly reminding me. :)
I just love that link - don't get it wrong :)

>  It seems that there is no way (yet) to get a  
> "windows-to-linux-via-usb-cable" network working, because the two driver  
> protocols use different frameings. well...seems like i wasted my money on  
> this....
I think there should be a way to do this, but there might be an easier
solution: Buy an usb-ethernetcard ;)
If I remember correctly they sell for about E 15 and you can just plug
it in your USB card!

Best regards,


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