Cairo in Breezy

Jim Richardson warlock at
Tue Sep 6 19:36:04 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-09-06 at 11:25 +0100, Lee Braiden wrote:
> On Tuesday 06 September 2005 04:47, Jim Richardson wrote:
> > Looks like Breezy has Cairo, at least in part. What exactly does this
> > mean? how is Cairo going to improve things? I  understand it's supposed
> > to enable faster 2D rendering, but does that mean that evolution is
> > going to get faster screen paints or something?
> At the moment, it basically just means that things are starting to unify a 
> little more.  One thing you should notice relatively soon is better graphics: 
> smoother lines, better gradients, etc.
> LOTS of work remains to be done, from what I can gather, though.  Don't hold 
> your breath on any of it, least of all speed increases :)

Fair enough :) Kinda like the transition then? good in the long
run, but pretty invisible to the user for now. 

So far, Breezy has been great btw, I have a Hoary install on this
laptop, and a Breezy install, on a smaller partition. I am almost ready
to blow away the Hoary install since I haven't booted it in close to a

Jim Richardson
There is no safety in denial. 
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