Camera Behind NAT Firewall

Jack Jackson jackson.linux at
Tue Sep 6 13:42:00 UTC 2005

Pascal Klein wrote:

>On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 10:32 pm, Jack Jackson wrote:
>>I'm trying to do a video conference from behind an nat firewall out to
>>the internet. Any way I can get my Ubuntu machine to speak via video
>>with MSN Messenger? And since the firewall blocks video on MSN
>>Messenger, anyone know what ports I need to open for MSN Messenger to
>>permit video through the nat firewall?
>MSN uses port 1863, both for it's standard file transfers, text and should 
>also for video streaming. Gaim does not support video streaming, you might 
>have to use the CVS of aMSN, which has support for it. I think it has a 
>sourceforge page.
>Good luck!
Thanks, Pascal; I will try all that!

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